Dear Clients,
Donald Trump re-elected to US President
One of President-elect Trumps headline policies during his election campaign was the imposition of large tariffs on imported goods into the USA, especially those originating from China. Note the term originating. Goods shipped from other parts of the world that are of Chinese origin are still deemed Chinese origin by US Customs and may be applicable to these changes in duty rates. Do you have cargo you are exporting to the USA that may be impacted? Call us to discuss if you are unsure.
Furthermore, Trumps likely trade policy is more radical than during his first term in office because it’s likely to extend beyond just China, with a potential for tariffs of up to 20% on imports from the rest of the world, potentially including Australian goods into the USA.
Once full details are released by the incoming administration the risk of a trade war escalating will become known as other trading bloc’s (notably the EU & China) may react with retaliatory tariffs on US goods.
How will US importers react? The knee jerk reaction will be for US importers to frontload import orders before the Trump administration is inaugurated and can officially change policy. What is the likely effect of frontloading imports? Mostly likely is a surge in both air and ocean rates into the US as well as increased domestic trucking rates over the next few months.
US East Coast Industrial Action.
It’s important to note that the industrial action on the US East Coast and Gulf ports still isn’t finalised with the new deadline for an agreement being the 15th Jan. During the 3 day strike in October, the Biden Administration sided with the Union and dockworkers with President Biden himself going on the record to confirm the US Federal Government wouldn’t force dockworkers back to work. Trumps official stance is less known however he did side with dockworkers during the 3 day strike in October.
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme
Over the last month we have seen a spate of treatment providers suspended from the Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme (AFAS). The AFAS comes under the remit of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) to ensure Australia’s biosecurity risk is managed. All treatment certificated issued by suspended treatment providers will be considered unacceptable from the suspension date, regardless of the treatment/issue date on the treatment certificate. If you have any concerns with treatment providers your suppliers maybe using or planning to use, please contact us.
WA State Government invests $273 million to progress Westport
The WA State Government has taken a historic step forward with plans for a new Western Australian container port at Kwinana to replace the aging Fremantle Port, committing $273 million to initiate detailed project planning, including risk assessment, land acquisition, and design finalisation, with the new port slated to be operational by the late 2030’s, as Fremantle Port reaches capacity.
Should you wish to discuss any of these points, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your key contact @ Transways Logistics International.